City okays five more barangay budgets for 2023

Mayor Benjamin Magalong ratified city council resolution no. 499, series of 2023, granting favorable review to five more barangay budgets for fiscal year 2023 pursuant to pertinent provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991, as amended.
These barangays are Bakakeng Norte Sur, East Bayan Park, Kayang Hilltop, Lower Lourdes Subdivision and San Roque Village.
The preliminarily reviewed annual and supplemental budgets of these barangays were forwarded by the City Budget Officer to the local legislature for its review.
In its 2nd indorsement dated August 7, 2023, the august body’s committee on barangay affairs recommended favorable review of the said barangay budgets.
The approved measure also directs the return of the five barangay budgets to the City Budget Office for implementation. – Gaby B. Keith