Yes 2022 and 2nd quarter of 2023 accomplishment reported in LCAT VAWC meeting, top functional VAW desks in the barangays presented

Yes 2022 and 2nd quarter of 2023 accomplishment reported in LCAT VAWC meeting, top functional VAW desks in the barangays presented

Activities done in 2022 up to the second quarter of 2023 were presented during the 2nd quarter meeting of the Local Council Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) last week.

Presided by Committee chair on Women, Social Services and Urban Poor Councilor Elmer Datuin and Social Welfare and Development Officer Myrna Valencerina, the report delved on trafficking in persons (TIP), wherein the first incident was of 13 women rescued on Jan. 26; and the second incident, of 2 minors and an adult rescued on March 28. According to Valencerina, both TIP cases were filed in court.    

One hundred (133) women in especially difficult circumstances (WEDC) for 2023 were also reported, now in the care of the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) in coordination with concerned offices and agencies.

There was training conducted last May 8 to 10 regarding four Rs in VAWC cases: Recognizing, Recording, Reporting and Referral. Thirty (30) social workers and police officers attended the training designed to enhance the capacity of service providers in handling VAWC cases.

Last April 19 to 20, fifteen personnel from the CSWDO attended an enhanced modular packages session to gain strategies and be able to provide a comprehensive, preventive and developmental service to women clients.

Last March 23, 85 solo parents and the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transexual (LGBT) community were enlightened by social workers Sharmira Daweg and Jacqueline Tupong as to gender sensitivity and understanding VAWC.

On March 22, Atty. Katrina Gynne Bosantog, Prosecutors Ma. Nenita Opiana and Ruth Bernabe lectured 210 women at the City Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO) on understanding rights and enhancing knowledge in laws that protect them. Republic Act 11313 or the “Safe Spaces” act; RA 9208, Anti-Trafficking in Persons; and RA 9262, the Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act; were discussed by the three legal authorities.

On March 8, seventy-five (75) city hall employees listened to Atty. Bosantog and Atty. Dan Ian Vergara in a lecture as to gender violence, at the city multi-purpose hall.

The report also included the women’s month celebration last March where outstanding women leaders here chosen in their respective fields: Marites Baucas for community women empowerment; Annie Marie Caguiao for Education; Maria Monica Costales for Human Resource Management; and Editha Semilla Puddoc for Public administration/Community peace building advocate.

A program and parade from the PFVR gym went on to Melvin Jones, Burnham Park with at least 1,800 women from the local government unit, non-government agencies, peoples’ organization, stakeholders in attendance, on March 16. The theme for this year is: WE for gender equality and inclusive society.    

The awarding of Baguio’s KALIPI as best people’s organization represented by its President Lolita Castro, was also highlighted in the women’s month celebration.

According to Councilor Datuin, more Information and Education campaigns (IECs) and dialogues with concerned agencies shall be conducted; with close monitoring of business establishments which may be involved with TIP.    

In 2022, as to the most functional Violence Against Women barangay desk, the top amongst the 128 barangays are: Cabinet hill-Teachers Camp, Pucsusan, South Drive, Sto. Tomas Proper, Kayang Extension, Middle Rock Quarry, San Luis Village, Phil-am, Upper Rock Quarry, Magsaysay Private Road. The monitoring and evaluation of the barangay VAWC desks were the LCAT-VAWC committee and the City Social Services Division.

It was reported that of the 128 VAW desks; 86 are rated as ideal, 41 deemed as mature and one progressive with the LCAT VAWC of Baguio rated 99.75% on ideal functionality.

Part of the ratings are due to four quarterly meetings and a special meeting conducted, with resolutions and a proposed city ordinance. There were 239 education and information campaigns on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), two basic life skill and 13 Responsible Parenting and Reproductive Health (RPRH) counseling, four batches of parent-teen talk conducted, two trainings on ASRH done by the Health Services Office (HSO) and CFSPI for 23 residents. A women’s health forum for 32 persons was conducted, and maintenance and operation of 16 teen health hubs is ongoing.

Celebrations were done for the family month celebration, and youth summit and mental health awareness.

The CSWDO and LCAT VAWC are also busy on anti-mendicancy operations including rescue of vagrants, psychosocial processing, trainings on sustainable livelihood programs, proper handling of VAWC cases, practical skills, provision of basic social services for recovery and rehabilitation, and response and after care support services to victims and perpetrators.  

Present during the meeting at the Senior Citizen Office are Councilor Datuin, CSWD Officers Valencerina and Coralie Dulnuan, Allan Bandoy of the Baguio Association of Night Spots (BANS), PB Ariel del Monte representing the Council for the Protection of Children,  Dr. Elizabeth Batino from the Baguio General Hospital, Lolita Castro of KALIPI; and representatives from the Public Information Office – City Mayor’s Office, Baguio City Police Office Women’s and Children’s Protection Unit Desk, Hotel and Restaurant Association of  Baguio (HRAB), Planning, Development and Sustainability Office, and other concerned offices. –  JGF
