City Council endorses titling of 101 barangay properties

One hundred one surveyed government lots were endorsed for land titling in favor of the city government of Baguio after the City Council adopted Resolution No. 364 series of 2023 for the purpose.
The list of properties for titling were based on the records of the City General Services Office and the Community Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Cordillera Administrative region (CENRO, DENR-CAR).
These properties were mostly occupied as city needs for day care center, covered court, multipurpose hall, waiting shed, health center, satellite market, barangay alley or road, pumping station, barangay hall, senior citizen center, public park, police station and barangay tanod outpost among others.
Some of the lots were identified for proposed projects such as multipurpose hall, proposed satellite market and proposed covered court while others were listed as open spaces and community gardens.
Identified city land needs are located in barangays Asin Road, Bakakeng Norte/Sur, Brookside, Brookspoint, Cabinet Hill Teachers Camp, Camp 7, City Camp Central, City Camp Proper, Dominican Mirador, Dontogan, Gabriela Silang, Gibraltar, Guisad Central, Irisan, Loakan Proper, Loakan Apugan, Lower Lourdes, Lualhati, Outlook Drive, Pacdal, San Vicente, Sto. Tomas Proper and West Quirino Hill.
Last year, Mayor Benjamin Magalong ordered the reconstitution of the City Land Needs Identification Committee (CLNIC) in a bid to expedite the identification and titling of lands for city and barangay needs.
The aggressive stance in having government lots and those identified for city and public need titled under its name aims to avoid losing these to land speculators and to apply the correct measurements of roads and alleys for crucial purposes such as disaster and other emergency response.
Aside from addressing the land titling program the committee will also address the need to fix the widths of alleys and roads to facilitate disaster and other emergency operations now hampered by constricted streets and alleyways. – JMPS