City mourns death of two barangay officials

Members of the city council passed separate resolutions, both considered jointly and collectively, mourning the demise of two exemplary barangay officials.
Resolution no. 32, series of 2023, expresses the deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences of Baguio’s officialdom and constituency to the bereaved family of the late Vicenta Ona, kagawad of Gibraltar barangay from 2007 to 2010, 2013 to 2018, and 2018 until her death on December 28, last year, at the age of 83.
“During her term as barangay kagawad, she manifested exemplary public service towards the upliftment and development of the barangay. While her untimely death is the loss of an effective leader, a friend and mother, her memory shall forever remain in the hearts and minds of her family, relatives, friends and every constituent of Gibraltar barangay and the city as well, for her generous and invaluable contributions,” the measure stated.
Meanwhile, resolution no. 284, series of 2023, stated similar sentiments to the bereaved family of the late Agustin Pangulayan, who served as kagawad of Sto. Tomas Proper barangay from July 2018 to February this year.
The measure stated: “He distinguished himself by his strong character, uprightness, high moral values and discipline. His efforts and contributions are well appreciated and his demise is a great loss not only for his family and friends but also to the city of Baguio. His dedication to public service as a government official is worthy of appreciation and recognition.” – Gaby B. Keith