Women’s Month activities slated, main program and owls awarding to be announced soon

Women’s Month activities slated, main program and owls awarding to be announced soon

With the theme, “We are for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society,” the health, welfare and education of women is highlighted during the 2023 National Women’s Month celebration this March.

The celebration started earlier through the Search for Outstanding Women Leaders (OWLS) of Baguio 2023, with the board of judges validating five ladies for the award. The search for OWLS is in its 17th year with women awarded for being exceptional in arts and humanities, education, justice and law, agriculture, business and other fields of endeavor. 

From February to March, assessment for the Violence Against Women Desk functionality in all barangay is done by the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) and Special Services Division – City Mayors Office (SSD-CMO). The result shall be out once the 128 barangays have been assessed, Executive Assistant Benjamin Macadangdang pointed out during the steering committee meeting last Thursday.

City hall employees shall undergo an orientation on Understanding gender-based violence at the city multi-purpose hall on March 8, City Social Welfare and Development Officer Myrna Valencerina announced.  

A training on Gender mainstreaming in the barangay through the Kalipi Organization and the Office of Councilor Betty Lourdes Tabanda; and a women’s health forum are scheduled on March 10, the latter at the Health Services Office (HSO) Conference hall. 

A garden to kitchen cooking contest happens for Kalipi members at the fourth floor, CDRRMO building at the City Engineering Office (CEO) compound through the efforts of Councilors Elmer Datuin and Leandro Yangot, Jr., on March 17. The ingredients for the prepared meal should be from the ladies’ local gardens, it was agreed. 

A lecture on Safety Space Act to Women with Disability through the Person With Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) shall be conducted at the City Multi-purpose hall on March 20, while a gender-based violence forum is undertaken through the CSWDO unit offices in the barangays from March 20-24.

 A two-hour taebo and Zumba, starting 6AM, March 25 at Burnham Park is offered for active persons through the office of Councilor Elmer Datuin. Datuin is the council committee chair on Women, Social Services and Urban Poor. 

On March 27, Women with Disability Day is observed at the City Multi-purpose hall, with a seminar on VAWC for Women with Disability on March 31, according to PDAO head Sam Aquino.

Guidelines are being crafted for Women Officers for a day in the barangays, by the Special Services Division, Barangay Council and Kalipi, for women to experience serving their respective areas of responsibility.   

For the whole month of March, Papsmear and Visual Inspection Acetic Acid (VIAA) for women is offered free at the Health Services Office. According to Population Commission (PopCom) Officer and Nurse Rowena Rabanes, this is a regular activity every Women’s month. 

A livelihood fair is also being organized for womens’ organizations, in coordination with the office of Councilor Datuin and the Kalipi Federation, the date and venue to be announced later.  

Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP), Baguio Chapter also stepped up with a Keeping our Girls Safe Forum, in coordination with the Balikatan sa Kaunlaran and its president Councilor Tabanda. 

In keeping with the times, a digitization program: Digit-all, Innovation and Technology with gender equality is undertaken with support from the office of Councilor Tabanda, and a computer literacy training from the Department of Information and Technology (DICT – Benguet Provincial Office, the Kalipi and Balikatan sa Kaunlaran groups. 

Two baking sessions with dates to be announced later shall be done at the Baguio City School of Arts and Trades (BCSAT) in coordination with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The endeavor is through the efforts of the Balikatan and Kalipi groups, and Councilor Tabanda’s office.        

Purple Wednesdays on March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 shall also be observed, Councilor Elmer Datuin insisted, as wearing something purple symbolizes strength, power, justice and dignity, and being loyal to the cause. The colors green and white may also be added as they symbolize equality.

The program, parade and OWLs awarding ceremonies schedule shall be announced later as venues are decided on by the steering committee which is composed of Dona Digna Rosario as president of the OWLs and representatives from the Baguio City Police Office, the barangays, the academe, Civic-Socio Organizations and other offices. – JGF
