To address the city’s graffiti and vandalism issues, Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) City Director PCOL FRANCISCO B BULWAYAN JR. directed his units to strengthen dialogues with school officials to educate and involve students in the anti-graffiti campaign.

As BAGUIO’s FINEST coordinated with schools and barangay officials, Baguio City National High School (BCNHS), through Ma’am Claire Herman, the School Headteacher, heeded the call and, together with the police, challenged their students to participate in an anti-graffiti activity.

To show their support in the campaign, BAGUIO’s FINEST, BCNHS officials and students, and Barangay Captain Teodoro Castor of Burnham Legarda gathered to clean and re-paint the vandalized BCNHS wall along the stretch of Governor Pack Road, Baguio City on February 16, 2023.

Cleaning materials and paints were provided by BCNHS and Barangay Burnham-Legarda. After this initial activity, the BCNHS faculty is planning to showcase the artistic talents of their students as well as express their support for government campaigns to end graffiti vandalism by painting over these walls with their own art.

This collaboration of the police with the schools and barangays is timely and helpful to achieve BCPO’s goal to end graffiti vandalism, as well as teach the students caught violating anti-graffiti ordinances about the importance of respecting public and private properties by reprimanding them to clean and re-paint them.

PCOL BULWAYAN JR. expressed his gratitude to the BCNHS faculty and staff for this remarkable action and challenged other schools to do the same and advocate for the anti-graffiti campaign.

“May I now challenge other schools in Baguio City to spearhead their students to clean vandalized walls in their respective school premises and nearby areas, and for those where there is no graffiti vandalism, please discourage your students from doing so,” the City Director said. (PR / PIO-BCPO File photos)