Five PROCOR COPS awarded for successful drug Ops

The Police Regional Office Cordillera (PROCOR) awarded five personnel in recognition of their exemplary performance in the campaign against illegal drugs during the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony held at the Masigasig Grandstand in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on January 30, 2023.
PROCOR’s Deputy Regional Director for Administration (DRDA), PBGEN PATRICK JOSEPH G ALLAN, presented the awards to deserving police officers and he was assisted by PCOL JULIO S LIZARDO, Chief Regional Staff, and other Regional Staff.
Medalya ng Kagalingan (PNP Medal of Merit) was awarded to PCPT RUBEN BALANOY, PSSg Novis Denne Bulao, and PSSg Ryan Floyd Dagadag, all from Tabuk City Police Station (CPS), Kalinga Police Provincial Office (PPO), for their successful conduct of checkpoint operation that resulted in the arrest of two (2) drug personalities and confiscation of marijuana in Kalinga.
Further, the same award was given to PCPT LYSTER ABAG and PCpl Efren Agayo, both from Benguet PPO, for conducting a buy-bust operation that resulted in the arrest of a drug personality and confiscation of “shabu” in La Trinidad, Benguet.
Medalya ng Kagalingan is awarded to members of the PNP for a single act of heroism or series of heroic acts. (PROCOR-PIO / File photos)