CEPMO earmarks P6M budget for Annual Tree Management programs

CEPMO earmarks P6M budget for Annual Tree Management programs

A P6M annual budget starting 2023 has been recommended by the City Environment Parks and Management Office (CEPMO) head Atty. Rhenan Diwas for various programs in preserving trees in Baguio, for processes such as tree surgery, pruning, trimming, topiary; and prevention of beetle infestation which attack vulnerable trees.        

This was the outcome of the legislative monitoring and evaluation status report on council Resolution 138, series of 2014 which urged the CEPMO to intensify measures in the preservation of Baguio trees.

The 2014 resolution brought forth the Baguio City Urban Forestry Management Plan with operation approved through Council Resolution 616, series of 2021.

The Urban Forestry Management Plan covers ten years (2021 to 2030) with the aim of improving the quality of life of this generation and the next, through environmental revitalization. The management plan shows the present condition and importance of green architecture and trees in the urban environment.

Presently ongoing are projects on GIS-based forecasting pest of Pine trees and a study of beetle infestation on Pine trees at the Arboretum, Botanical Park and Wright Park. The later project is done through a Memorandum of Undertaking (MOU) between the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau – Watershed and Water Resources Research Development and Extension Center (ERDB – WWRRDEC) and LGU Baguio through the parks office.   

Meanwhile, tree surgery for sick tree parts are undertaken through filling of cavities and strengthening of branches by braces; the Busol Watershed Management Plan and GIS tree inventory are ongoing; the Busol Watershed and Botanical Garden tree nurseries are being developed with green houses, access road and perimeter fence; and annual tree trimming and pruning in city parks are done by assigned parks and forestry personnel.

An additional P5 Million pesos from the City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO) for the tree management program is also requested by Atty. Diwas.

Accordingly, policies and management practices for urban forests definitely would help in the achievement of the city’s goal of a progressive, peaceful, clean and green Baguio city. – JGFianza
