Baguio to receive two bikes under wheels-for-work program

The city government of Baguio is set to receive two bikes for being a finalist to the National Bike Day Bike Lane Awards 2022.
Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong received information from the Interagency Technical Working Group for Active Transportation (IATWG-AT) that the city government will be receiving bike donations under the Wheels for Work Program of the Makati Business Club (MBC) and Ayala Foundation Inc. (AFI).
As part of the conditions for the bike donations under the Wheels for Work Program, the local government unit should identify its beneficiaries based on two conditions: employee has no current personal and/or private means of transportation; and employee is willing and/or committed to use the donated bicycle as a means of transportation to work.
LGUs are required to submit its list of beneficiaries through the Google Form provided by Makati Business Club. The goal is for the program to be able to assess the impact of the donation.
Baguio City, being a recipient of the Mobility Awards in 2021 as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the country, strives to prioritize pedestrians and cyclists as it advances the city’s “shared roads” concept along with establishing more bike lanes.
The City Engineering Office started the implementation of the “shared roads” concept in July 2021, allocating P18 million for the put up of bike lanes in the city to allow cyclists to safely pass through alongside motor vehicles.
The use of bikes as a means of transportation was pitched as a long-term solution to the worsening traffic condition and the continuously increasing cost of petroleum products. – JMPS