James Cook University (Australia) represented by Dr. Denis Tolkach and Dr. Jenny Panchal spearheaded a Cultural Tourism Recovery project wherein they organized a series of seminar workshops with partners in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines. The workshop held in Baguio and Winaca last November 17-18, 2022 was partnered with WInaca Eco-Cultural Village, University of the Cordilleras, and Saint Louis University. The workshop focused on determining the issues affecting cultural tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic and identifying ways wherein the different stakeholders can contribute innovative ways in recovering cultural tourism. Dir. Nelly Nita Dillera of Philippine Trade Training Centre, Ms. Marie Venus Tan, former COO of Tourism Promotional Board, Ms. Alma Rita Jimenez, President of ASEAN Society Philippines, and Ms. Lucia Capuyan-Catanes, Manager of Winaca Eco-Cultural Village were the speakers during the workshop. Photos by Neil Clark Ongchangco