Dog show for all breeds to be held in Baguio

Dog show for all breeds to be held in Baguio

City officials approved the request of retired Police Col. Arnold M. Palomo, president, Baguio-Benguet K9 Sports Club, for the use of Malcolm Square or Peoples Park for a Dog Show to be participated by all breeds to compete by categories on the second week of November 2022 subject to conditions.

Under Resolution No. 425, series of 20222, local legislators stated that among the imposed conditions in the conduct of the aforesaid event include Malcolm Square is a public area, hence, public safety must be secured, including the participating dogs; all participating dogs must be properly laced to avoid any untoward incident that may happen to the public and/or to the other dogs in the area; the organizer and the dog owners must ensure the cleanliness of the area after the activity and to properly dispose the dogs poop waste; the organizer shall secure the necessary permit from the City Environment and Parks Management office (CEPMO) for the use of the area before conducting any activity in the said park; the event shall be held as a one day activity; there shall be no selling and no putting up of stalls and the CPMO shall identify and designate the specific date of the Dog Show to avoid conflict with the other calendared city activities.

Earlier, the organizer requested for a venue and the use of Malcolm Square or Peoples Park for the conduct of a Dog Show.

The activity envisions contributing to the growth of the K9Sports Club members and participants as being desirable owners to their adorable pets.

The said event will be participated in by all breeds to compete by categories in the second week of November this year.

Aside from displaying the beauty and gracefulness of pets, the activity will also include the demonstration of the proper conduct of a Dog Show based on the Philippine Canine Club, Inc. standards, proper handling of dogs, and display of dog tricks.

The Baguio-Benguet K9 Sports Club is a club that deals primarily in training and handling of all kinds of dog breeds and its active members consist of enthusiastic dog owners promoting an environment of responsible dog ownership in the area.

The Committee on Market, Trade, Commerce and Agriculture, in its 6th indorsement dated 14 September 2022, recommended approval of the aforesaid request with the information that the CEPMO interposes no objection to the proposed dog show at Malcolm Square subject to the aforesaid conditions. – Dexter A. See
