64 Rookie COPS received their PNPBadge

Class 2020-03 “Sindak Masid” Alpha-Bravo, composed of 49 CIDG quota and 15 PROCOR regular quotas, officially completed the 960 hours of their Public Safety Field Training Program Phase II-OJT/FTX in a simple closing ceremony held at Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on October 11, 2021.
PBGEN OLIVER A ENMODIAS, Deputy Director of CIDG, graced the event as Guest of Honor and Speaker and led the distribution of Certificate of Completion and Special Awards.
Highlights during the ceremony were the awarding of medals to the members of “Sindak Masid” who excelled in academic and non-academic subjects.
Medalya ng Kasanayan (PNP Efficiency Medal) was awarded to Patrolman Merari H. Payay for garnering the highest rating of 96.92% while Patrolman Danilo M. Salazar and Patrolman Rex B. Madela received Medalya ng Papuri (PNP Commendation Medal) for ranking 2nd and 3rd with the rating of 95.76% and 94.40%, respectively.
Leadership Awards were also given to Patrolman Edward B Pamittan as the Battalion President; Patrolman Ezekiel John Antonio as the class marcher of PROCOR; and Patrolman Albert P Oclares as the class marcher of CIDG.
The 64 newly appointed patrolmen and patrolwomen of PROCOR were entrusted with their PNP badges during the ceremonial pinning as full-fledged members of the Philippine National Police
In his message, PBGEN ENMODIAS, commended the graduates, the Field Training Officers and the Regional Special Training Unit headed by PCOL MYLES ANGEL S PASCUAL, Chief RSTU-Cor.
“As you receive your badges, it only proves that you are all ready to go to the next stage”, he said.
He leaves the graduates with a guiding principle with an acronym “S.I.N.D.A.K.-M.A.S.I.D” which means S for Sense particularly Common Sense; I for Integrity; N for Never Giving Up; D for Dream Big; A for Anger Control; K for Kindness; M for Motivation; A for Attitude; S for Strength; I for Improve; and D for Divine God. (PROCOR-PIO)