6 growth nodes proposed to decongest CBD

The City Planning and Development Office led by Architect Donna Tabangin prepared several master development plans for the proposed expansion of economic activities in six strategic locations around the city with the objective of decongesting the central business district.
Called the “Growth Node Development Plan for Baguio City,” the economic activities will focus on transport-oriented development, urban agriculture, arts and crafts, parks, heritage and landmark restoration, ecotourism, and business incubation including the development and operation of the Loakan airport.
The Southbound Hub is envisioned as a transport-oriented development and urban agriculture node in Dontogan within the 10-hectare property under usufruct agreement with the Department of Agriculture. It will host the proposed intermodal transport terminal, the modern abattoir and cold storage including several line agencies as well as a forest buffer.
In Irisan, the CPDO proposes to develop the Northbound Hub as another transport-oriented development and arts and crafts node.
Another transport-oriented development node is proposed in Brgy. Sto. Niño to be called the Cordillera Gateway Hub. It will have commercial spaces and a cold storage facility aside from the terminal and parking.
The Parks Hub will feature interconnected heritage parks and sites from the Wright Park to Mines View Park which will undergo improvements. Mines View shall feature a mine tunnel simulator and glass walk. Wright Park shall improve the horseback riding area and the addition of more horseback routes, among others.
The fifth hub is Kennon Road. The CPDO eyes the development of an Eco Hub Zone focused on ecotourism and urban agriculture with a view deck and terminal parking.
The sixth in the plan is the Airport Hub – envisioned as a transport oriented and business incubator zone in Loakan.
The Central Business District shall remain as the prime commercial and institutional center. The redevelopments along Gov Pack, Session Road, and the Market shall be on the provision of parking buildings, improvement of pedestrian spaces, and incorporation of biking routes. The objective for the CBD is to make it greener and walkable/bikeable.
Tabangin said all these plans will be incorporated in the comprehensive land use plan to serve as a blueprint in the holistic development of Baguio City. – Jessa Mardy P. Samidan