25 Persons Deprived of Liberty finish TESDA training in Mt. Province

A total of twenty-five (25) persons deprived of liberty (PDL) completed skills training on Construction Painting conducted by TESDA-Mountain Province Provincial Office under the Community Based Training Program of the Agency in Partnership with the Bureau of Jail and Management Penology-Mountain Province.
The said training was facilitated by Mr. Ranier B. Andaya, an accredited trainer in Construction Painting NCII from April 1 to 5, 2022. The five-day training course enabled the participants to prepare required tools, painting equipment and materials needed to yield the best construction painting output. Through this training, the PDLs will be given the opportunity to learn, gain the right qualification, enhance self-esteem, gain confidence and increase employability which provides boundless opportunities for future employment and resist re-offending upon their release to mainstream society.
After the training, BJMP held a graduation ceremony on April 28, 2022 to recognize the effort of the participants. Training certificates were awarded by Mr. Felixberto B. Matute, Jr., the Acting Provincial Director of the TESDA-MPPO, assisted by Jail Inspector Pablo A. Las-egan, Jr.
“TESDA is always here to assist and to provide the skills you need when you go back to society”, APD Matute said. He urged the participants to enhance and continue applying the skills and knowledge acquired during the training even upon release from the bars and use it to generate income for themselves and family as well.
All we want is for you to commit yourself in the training/assistance provided, participate actively and attend regularly”, he added.
According to Matute, TESDA’s intervention will continue and more skills training will be provided as evidence that the agency is fulfilling its mandate of providing programs and services, e.g. skills training to its priority clients alongside the intensified effort of the national government in the implementation of the Executive No.70 or the “whole of the National Approach.”
Meanwhile, Provincial Jail Warden in his speech thanked the TESDA-MPPO for the training as it helps equip the PDLs while they are inside the facility. “We look forward to more partnerships and projects with TESDA”, he added. (Whitney Keri M. Fokleg)