161 illegal ongoing structures investigated in July-August

A total of 161 ongoing structures without building permits were reported and investigated by the City Buildings and Architecture Office (CBAO) in July and August.
Engr. Donald Gas-ib, head of the City Buildings and Architectures Office (CBAO) Investigation and Demolition Division said 127 of these constructions are situated in titled lots while 21 are in unregistered lots. Nine were found encroaching in road right-of-ways and two were on creeks. Two were within watersheds.
The CBAO noted the apparent decline in the number of new unpermitted structures being reported and attributed this to the effectiveness of the more aggressive monitoring and reporting being undertaken in line with Mayor Benjamin Magalong’s order to revitalize the anti-squatting campaign.
As per procedures, owners of illegal structures found in titled lots without ownership issues were ordered to stop construction and secure building permits. Those with conflicts were issued cease and desist orders with the advice to resolve the lot issues.
Constructions on untitled or unregistered lots were issued notices of violation and subjected to investigations.
Structures found in safeguarded lots were immediately endorsed for summary demolition.
In April, a total of 223 constructions in titled and untitled lots and road right-of-ways were halted for permit violations while 26 new illegal constructions in three watersheds were endorsed for demolition.
Last May, a total of 102 more ongoing illegal structures were reported, 40 of which were on titled lots, 41 on unregistered lots, nine on RROWs, eight were on lots covered by Certificate of Ancestral Land Titles (CALT) and four within watersheds. – Aileen P. Refuerzo