129 Police Trainees officially start Public Safety Basic Recruit Course

After completing their required days of quarantine, 129 police trainees; 91 males and 38 females, will now be undergoing the Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) as they officially opened the PSBRC Class 2021-02 during the Opening and Reception Rites in Dam 2, Philex Mines, Tuba, Benguet on November 9, 2021.
The opening was facilitated by the staff of Cordillera Administrative Regional Training Center (CARTC) and was graced by PLTCOL RICKY PATRON NERON, Officer-in-Charge of CARTC, as the guest of honor and speaker.
The reception rites of the police trainees signal the official start of their PSBRC, a 6-month course designed to equip and develop them with the knowledge, attitudes, skills, habits, and values required for a law enforcement officer. This is a transformation from a civilian to a regimented life in preparation for their actual duties and responsibilities as future police officers.
As it was mandated by the National Police Training Institute (NPTI) Training Guide that reception rites shall be administered and supervised by the authorized training staff and medical personnel, the medical team of RMDU led by PMAJ REYNARDO RITO, Chief of Medical Dispensary, provided medical assistance and assessment for the activity.
Further, during the event, the medical team was able to provide medical assessment and treatment to 10 police trainees who sought medical consultation. (PROCOR-PIO)