10th top education school recognized

City officials recently congratulated and commended the Catholic-run Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Teacher Education for ranking 10th in the September licensure examination for teachers.
In a resolution, city legislators stated that the recent ranking of SLU School of Teacher Education in the recently concluded Licensure Examination for Teachers showed and further strengthened the commitment and dedication of the higher education institution in providing quality and inclusive education, honing and training excellent Louisian educators through the years.
SLU has been considered as an excellent missionary, and transformative educational institution providing quality education not only in the city but also in the whole country.
Earlier, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced last December 7, 2023 the list of top performing schools in the September 2023 licensure examination for teachers given by the Board of Professional Teachers.
SLU was ranked 10th among the top performing higher education institutions nationwide in the secondary level with a 91.49 percent passing rate.
Copies of the approved resolution will be transmitted to the SLU administration and School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts for their information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. – Dexter A. See